Daytime temperatures tend to be warmer : Mp3JuiceLa

The weather of the city of Bekasi, West Java, is extreme because of this


So far, the weather in Bekasi, West Java , has entered one of Indonesia’s hottest cities. This is due to several reasons. As many people already know, the city of Bekasi is one of many areas in West Java. This city is actually part of Metropolita Jabodetabek.


In fact, this area is also a satellite city where the number ofpendu dukis the most in Indonesia.  There are many things you should know  about this town. Regency bekasi itself is the most important area that can support the capital.  So it’s not strange that many urban people choose this area.


Many urbanites choose it as a place to live. About half of the entirearea, Bekasi is an area that can be considered effective urban. About 4% became industrial areas, 90% became housing, 3% became services for trade and the rest was used by other buildings.


In the district itself, the industry is the largest in Southeast Asia. For the number itself about 4,000 companies originating in different countries. It is not strange that this city is a support for the national economy. There are many known industries in the region.


So far, this area of capital support also has a great opportunity for many investors to invest. Although it is full ofindustrial manure, there are many people who have the desire to be able to invest in the region. It is not strange if the temperature in Bekasi also tends to be hot.


Daytime temperatures tend to be warmer


This area of the metropolis usually enters the climate of the tropical season. The humidity level itself is quite high, which is 24 to 33 degrees Celsius. But often the weather in the city of Bekasi, West Java , is also warmer than normal. Even several regions of Indonesia have also experienced this.


The temperature reaches 35 degrees Celsius due to the position of the sun around the north of the  equatorial aris. The movement of the sun is even further north. This usually happens in April. In addition, because of the rather hot temperature, the weather also becomes lighter and even cloudy.


Not only that, there is another reason that makes the weather in Bekasi West Java quite  oak isbecause the clouds that cover it are quite small because it is sunny. This allows for more sunlight received by the earth. For there is no cloud to stop it.


That’s why the temperature in Bekasi and various regions of Indonesia is getting hot. Because the surface temperature is rising.   Because it’s bright, there aren’t many clouds in the air either. Because there’s not much water vapor in the air either. Then the air becomes relatively drier. That’s why the temperature got so hot.


Often this extreme climate occurs because it is still in a transition period.  Where from the rainy season to the dry season. Thus, some regions still experience extreme weather.  This weather potential itself is because during the day or at night there is heavy rain. Even until there was hail along with strong winds,


Bekasi’s nights are colder


Bekasi serta Jakarta is really known forn hot temperatures. But it happens day or night. However, there are times when the weather in Bekasi, West Java, also changes to cold at night.  Especially during the dry season, Bekasi often gets colder when night falls.


The phenomenon is certainly not without reason. Because during the dry season, there are actually few clouds in the sky. This has also become one of the most common features when the dry season arrives. When the air during the day is hot, then the minimum temperature in the region is also low.


This low temperature often occurs in the early hours of the morning. Meanwhile, slowly the temperature will rise along with the sun’s rays. It is not strange if the weather in the city of Bekasi, West Java, is also erratic between morning and night.   If you live in the Bekasi area and its surroundings, then you should be used to it.


Although few people know the reason, but in fact if the air temperature during the day is high enough, then it is very likely that the night temperature is also low. Air humidity will increase to 90%. So that at night is very cold the air. Therefore, you should prepare when the temperature changes.


Why the Rainy Season, but hot temperatures?


Despite having entered the rainy season, it is often the weather in Bekasi, West Java, that is still quite hot. This is certainly not only experienced by the areas of support of the capital, but several regions of Indonesia have also experienced this.  Even if it rains, it is also often heavy with wind.


There are several reasons why during the rainy season, the air temperature gets warmer  even if it rains. One is because  most of the region is experiencing rising temperatures. In November, the pseudo-movement of the sun is actually right on top of Java Island itself.


The location of the pseudo-movement of the sun that sits on Java Island itself also occurs twice in  a period of one year, i.e. November and April.  Thus, the peak of the  hot temperature occurs that month.  The warm  air during the day is, in fact, due to the pseudo-movement of the sun.


Not only that, the time in the city of Bekasi, West Java, which is brighter in itself is the reason.  This sunny weather exposes sunlight to  direct surfaces in an ideal way. So it’s not strange that the earth is hotter. In fact, many say that in the rainy season Indonesia is actually warmer.


Poor Air Quality in Bekasi


Not only in West Java, but hot temperatures also occur almost everywhere in Indonesia. Even in some regions the temperature is up to 40 degrees Celsius. This time, which can be said to be extreme, usually also occurs because the daily pseudo-movement of the sun continues to move into the southern   hemisphere.


Because the weather in the city of Bekasi, West Java, also makes many people prefer to do activities at home as well. Surely everyone also wants to have a nice house, including you, right?  There are many things you can do to make the air temperature cool.


However, in Bekasi, theair quality is quite bad and bahkan is in the category of unhealthy jika compared to Jakarta, even worse than double.   Many people say that the hot weather in Bekasi is due to the large number of industrial activities in it.


But it turns out it’s not just about that. You should know, the hot weather in Bekasi is also due to many things. In fact, one of them is due to the existence of the industry. In addition, there is pollution of transport that makes the air even more unhealthy. Even the construction of toll roads is also responsible for the   poor quality of temperature.


However, the government is also doing much to make the temperature even better. It’s like planting trees with the community.   To keep the air cold and healthy.   In fact, the  weather in the city of Bekasi, West Java itself is quite oakbonde, especially during the transition season.

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