Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang
Mungkin anda ingin berbicara bahasa Inggris di sekolah atau dimana pun itu. Entah itu tentang pendidikan, hobi, persahabatan ataupun perkenalan. Anda bisa melihat contoh dialog di bawah ini.
1. Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang di Sekolah
Riska: Hi Nisa, how are your studies going on?
Nisa: Hi Riska, it’s going pretty well.
I really like counting. Therefore, I really like Mathematics.
Riska: Oh do you really like Math? Means I am different from you. I even really hated that lesson.
Nisa: Did I hear you right? Why don’t you like him, Riska?
Riska: Mathematical formulas are very difficult to understand. I often do the wrong math problems.
Nisa: What material do you not get the most?
Riska: I think almost all math lessons are difficult to memorize.
Nisa: Sebenernya for the formula itself, don’t memorize it. It will be better if you understand it. Because if you just memorize it but don’t understand it, it’s just useless.
Riska: You’re absolutely right, Nisa. But because I hated the lesson, I rarely recorded the material.
Nisa: I have complete records. Do you want to borrow it?
Riska: Is it okay, Nisa?
Nisa: Of course. Wait, I’ll get it first.
Riska: Okay
Nisa: Here, Riska.
Riska: Thank you very much. I’ll return it tomorrow.
Nisa: It’s okay next week, Riska. After all, this week there’s no such lesson.
Riska: OK, Nisa. When I understand, I will return it right away. Once again, thank you.
Nisa: You’re welcome.
Terjemahan Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang di Sekolah
Riska: Hai Nisa, studimu bagaimana?
Nisa: Hai Riska, semuanya berjalan dengan baik. Aku sangat suka berhitung. Oleh sebab itu, aku sangat suka dengan pelajaran Matematika.
Riska: Oh benarkah kamu menyukai Matematika? Berarti aku berbeda dengan kamu. Aku bahkan sangat membenci pelajaran itu.
Nisa: Apa aku tidak salah dengar? Mengapa kamu tidak menyukainya, Riska?
Riska: Rumus matematika itu sangat sulit untuk dipahami. Aku sering salah dalam mengerjakan soal Matematika.
Nisa: Materi apa yang paling kamu tidak bisa?
Riska: Aku pikir, hampir semua pelajaran matematika itu sulit untuk menghafalnya.
Nisa: Sebenarnya untuk rumusnya sendiri, kamu jangan menghafalnya. Akan lebih baik jika kamu memahaminya. Karena jika kamu hanya hafal tetapi tidak paham, itu hanya akan percuma.
Riska: Kamu benar sekali, Nisa. Tapi karena aku membenci pelajaran itu, aku jarang mencatat materinya.
Nisa: Aku mempunyai catatan lengkapnya. Apakah kamu mau meminjamnya?
Riska: Apakah boleh, Nisa?
Nisa: Tentu saja. Sebentar, aku ambilkan dulu.
Riska: Okay
Nisa: Ini, Riska.
Riska: Terima kasih banyak. Aku akan mengembalikannya besok.
Nisa: Minggu depan tidak apa-apa, Riska. Lagipula, minggu ini tidak ada pelajaran itu.
Riska: OK, Nisa. Kalau nanti aku sudah paham, aku akan langsung mengembalikannya. Sekali lagi terima kasih.
Nisa: Sama-sama.
2. Dialog Tentang Pendidikan
Rizal: Hi Fauzi. How are you?
Fauzi: Hello Rizal. Very good, thank you. How are you?
Rizal: I’m confused, Zi.
Fauzi: Why are you confused? What are you thinking?
Rizal: ………
Rizal: After graduating from high school, I want to continue my studies. I chose a private university. But my parents don’t allow it.
Fauzi: Why is that?
Rizal: My parents say that state universities are much better. Even though the accreditation of my chosen department at a private university is very good. After all, public or private is the same, right?
Fauzi: That’s right, Zal. Public or private are just as good. Because I think your goodness is not because of your alma mater’s name. It’s how you can make your alma mater proud.
Rizal: Yes, Zi. I thought so too.
Fauzi: Now, let’s talk about this slowly to your parents. Hopefully your parents can understand your choice.
Rizal: Certainly, Zi. Thank you for the advice you have given. It is very useful and helpful for me.
Fauzi: You’re welcome. That’s what friends are for.
Rizal: By the way, are you also going to continue your studies?
Fauzi: Of course. As much as possible I will continue my studies. Because I know education is very important.
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